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Steps Included In HIPAA Security Risk Assessment – PHCSS

Steps Included In HIPAA Security Risk Assessment – PHCSS

Protecting patient data is important in the healthcare industry. The benchmark for safeguarding private patient information is established by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). A HIPAA security risk assessment is not only required by law, but it is also an important step in guaranteeing the availability, confidentiality, and integrity of medical records. At PHCSS, we follow all…

HIPAA Risk Assessment: Ensuring Compliance and Security

HIPAA Risk Assessment: Ensuring Compliance and Security

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, is an important piece of legislation that guarantees the security of private patient data. Healthcare institutions must conduct a thorough HIPAA risk assessment in order to detect any weaknesses and protect patient data. That is why, at PHCSS we emphasize on conducting HIPAA risk assessment to make sure that we can…